scott_natee (WinCE)This is Mike (Cori’s husband) and in the attempt to do something unique for mothers day, I thought I would hack her blog and leave a mothers day note.  (Trying to get it done while she is still in bed, while feeding the kids and keeping them quite, jeez, this kids stuff is hard) She hears what I think enough but I thought I could tell all her friends too. Ain’t social media great?

So anyway, Cori I hold you in the highest regard and have the deepest appreciation for what you do. There is not another person on the planet who is better fit for your job. You have created two of the most beautiful kids on the planet who enjoy life and are happy inside and out. They are so lucky to have you and I am so grateful to you.

You are the driving force of love in our family and I am so fortunate that you are the mother of our children. Happy Mothers Day babe!

They even featured you on this newscast: Cori Lyon is Mother of the Year >>

Now off to hack your Facebook page to share the post 🙂