In the birthday card my sister sent Scott, she wrote this quote inside:

“We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, handsome, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children of God. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is with in us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

This quote  sums up Evyn perfectly. She is a person that is perfectly humbly yet refuses to believe there is anything she can’t do.  Whether or not you believe in God, the message is the same. I want to teach my children that they’re job is shine and be the very best they can be. To ignore the people who try to drag them down. To believe that they can do whatever they choose. To not put limitations on their lives. To know in their hearts, the people who don’t want you to succeed are not people you want in your life in the first place.

I forget that this applies to me too.

So as you go about your day, remember, “Nobody puts baby in a corner.”

Menu Plan Monday

August 10, 2009

Today is Scott’s birthday! He planned his own meal and I was surprised and actually impressed. My sister got him a book for Christmas that is all about life as a pirate. There is a section on what pirates eat, so that is what Scott chose as his meal, with a few other goodies thrown in (I drew the line at salted cod, he drew the line at limes).

Monday: Scott’s Birthday, he picked- Fish (pirates eat fish), rice (another pirate staple), corn and zucchini (steamed, so the insides don’t get mushy, whatever that means), Beans (I quote, “Look at this picture of pirates eating beans, I decided to like beans now, put that on my birthday list.”),  boiled eggs (again, pirate food) Root beer (pirates drink beer) and a cake… Arrgh (or gag, we’ll see!)

Tuesday: I am going out to dinner with a friend, FINALLY going to The Local Table. I have wanted to try this place forever. The poor neglected family that has to eat at home, will have grilled cheese sandwiches and homemade tomato soup – The perfect meal for a hot summer day! (I use regular milk instead of heavy whipping cream)

Wednesday: Burgers and homemade fries

Thursday: Eggs, Shredded Potatoes, Salsa, Cheese, and Bacon Thing in the skillet

Friday: Homemade Doughnuts (just because)

Saturday: Homemade Pizza Night

Sunday: Dinner at the pool


August 9, 2009

Scott (aka Scott te da, Bigs, Biggie, Bro Bro),

I adore you more than you will ever know. Part of me can’t believe that you will be four tomorrow and part of me feels like you have been in my life forever.

Over the last year, the pirate obsession has grown instead of fizzled, a new obsession with guns and skateboards has been added to it, you tried preschool and gymnastics and swim lessons, you learned how to jump off the diving board alone (aided by a life jacket), you have decided that clothing is optional (except for undies), you became a big brother, you have moved again, you have decided you don’t like melted cheese, you have gotten braver and stronger and funnier.

I love how your left eye gets droopy when you are tired, that one of your favorite dinners is fish and rice, that your eyelashes are so long that when you get bath tub bubbles in them they stick to the top of your eyelids. I love your laugh, the way you look when you are concentrating, the way the more we try to talk you into doing something, the more you resist. I love the way you would wrestle anyone, any time, any place, but you also chew the inside of your cheek when you see someone upset. I love that when I see you in the morning the first thing you say is, “Good morning princess.” You are smart, stubborn, witty, focused, and creative.

You are still in the age of innocence, I want to hang on to that forever. You will do great things with your life. I know it. Whether you become a fire fighter, a bug killer, a pirate (although, to be honest, I am hoping against the latter) you will do it with passion and excitement. You brighten my day and my life.

I have loved getting to know you these last four years. I can’t wait to see what your future holds.

I love you higher than the heavens. I love you deeper than the seas. I will always love you, no matter what.

Tomorrow you will be four. Happy 4th Birthday!

Almost AVP

August 8, 2009

Things I learned this week:

1. The best gifts are gifts you would never get yourself, but when you get them you can’t believe you have gone your whole life with out them.

2. Hunter Park is infested with flies. Seriously. Gross. (Sara- I am wondering if it has to do with the dog park they added? I mean, you know how flies love dog poop? Just a theory.)

3. I was reminded again, you (and by you I mean me) can’t force any one to do anything (unfortunately). You can try to persuade, you can beg and plead, but people will do what they want, when they are ready. One year olds included.

4. I miss church a little.

5. There are certain friends who will always “get” you. In half a sentence, they will know exactly what you mean. Those friends are a breath of fresh air.

6. My awesome amazing disciplined gorgeous baby sister is now ranked #33 IN THE NATION during her FIRST season of playing beach volleyball. Teams 1-30 are considered AVP. AVP! She is 3 teams away from being in the same category as Misty May!!! And the season isn’t even over yet. Only Evyn could move to CA a year ago, decide she wants to try her hand at beach volleyball and be #33 in the nation. And only her husband Ryan, would love her enough make her dreams part of his and support her 100%.

7. I can’t remember if I already mentioned this, but my sister is now #33 in the nation in beach volleyball. IN THE NATION!

8. I am obsessed with the show October Road on hulu. Kind of dorky, but good… in fact I am ending this post since I have exactly one hour left before I have to leave Panera Bread and re join my real life, and talking about it makes me want to watch an episode… So, to hulu I will go!

What did you learn this week?

Menu Plan Monday

August 3, 2009

I have no desire to cook this week. At all. But since I am a strong capable woman, I will persevere, In the name of Budget, Health, and Habit, I will continue to uphold my weekly duty of grocery shopping and cooking. I am woman, watch me cook.

Monday: Breakfast Burritos and fruit

Tuesday: Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings (carried over from last week, I just could never remember to turn on the crock pot…)

Wednesday: Sandwiches and Salad

Thursday: Leftovers

Friday: Grilled Fish and Mashers

Saturday: Chicken Shish Kabobs w/ rice (chicken and veggies marinated in teriyaki sauce and grilled)

Sunday: Happy Anniversary to Me (and Mike)! Take Out Pizza and Wine with the kids (not the wine part, obviously)

As you can tell, I went all out this week! Oh, the grilled pizzas from last week were awesome. I will definitely be making them again. Check out Organizing Junkie for some better ideas!

Wink Wink

August 2, 2009

Things I learned this week:

1. You know those hard plastic packs of gum that are supposed to fit in your car cup holder (which I totally don’t get, why would you leave gum in your car to melt?), anyways, I always buy those since we chew gum like it is going out of style… This week I bought the Eclipse brand instead of trusty ol’ Dentyne and just FYI, the Eclipse lid does NOT stay closed if you are using this pack to throw in your diaper bag. I learned this the hard way and now, Nate’s favorite birthday present has a chunk of gum melted to the bottom of it.

2. Potato chips dipped in homemade chocolate frosting is so so good.

3. Totsie is a tricky little man. He can now climb on top of Scott’s table, stand up there and dance, scale the back of the leather chair, perch himself up there with one leg on each side of the chair back, he can climb in the fire truck at the puffies, climb up the ramp thing in the back and turn himself around and go down the slide. He can free stand and dance, but taking one itty bitty step, that is to much to ask.

4. Using earphones plugged into my phone and cleaning while talking on the phone makes chores so much more enjoyable AND I get to catch up with friends!

5. It is possible for me to run a race and not hyperventilate from fear.

6. The semi colon/parenthesis winky wink face is growing on me. The colon/parathesis smiley face, however, I will never be able to support.

7. Creepy meth lab man next door is apparently a big fan of Bonnie Raitt.

What did you learn this week?