
August 13, 2012

Scott starts school on Friday. Nate starts school the next Friday. Why a Friday? I have no idea. It seems weird. School starting always leaves me with mixed emotions. On one hand, I hate it. I want an eternal summer of lazy days. I want my babies to stay right where they are…forever. On the other hand, I am excited for their new adventure. They are super excited and I am so thankful for that. I mean really, what more could I ask for? I decided I need my own new adventure/challenge/distraction. I am joining a fb challenge group called 90/10 that my ex next door neighbor Heidi in Edmond is starting. It consists of eating 90% of your food from the top two Tiers of Michi’s Ladder and 10% of your food can come from Tiers 3 and 4 and nothing from Tier 5. It is a 60 day challenge that I am excited for! What I LOVE about it is that is isn’t anti carb. I know some people love the Paleo diet but I just can’t handle that. Way to strict for me and to be honest I feel like it is too restrictive to be healthy (TOTALLY my opinion). I tried the low carb/no carb thing for a little while to test out the affects on some health things and gained 4 lbs! Yes, I am the only person in the world that has gained weight while eating no carbs. What the what?!

I know 4 lbs isn’t that big of a deal. I honestly just want a challenge and something to work towards. I am also trying to make certain time on the Tulsa Run this year (that I missed by 56 seconds last year… I’m not bitter, not at all.) I also watched the Olympics and am feeling like if I focus I might have a shot at Rio 2016. I hope I still feel like this after not eating sugar for 20 days and knowing I still have 40 more to go.

And all of that was leading up to me telling you to check out Heidi’s blog for some healthy easy dinner recipes. AND if you are interested in learning more about the 90/10 thing let me know! The more the merrier! (It is based on Shakeology/Beach Body. I am trying out Shakeology for a month, but you DON’T have to in order to do the 90/10 group.)

The group officially starts on Friday, Aug 17th, but I am easing into this week…. And if you see me on Thursday night shoveling a double dip brownie fudge sundae into my mouth, don’t judge. You can laugh…. quietly.


monday- BBQ Chicken w/ grilled veggies

tuesday- French Toast (made with Ezekiel bread) with scrambled eggs and berries

wednesday- blackened salmon with brown rice and veggies

thursday- mexican bowls (brown rice, black beans, salsa, cheese and leftover bbq chicken)

friday- buffalo burgers and sweet potato fries (does Ezekiel make burger buns? To be continued….)

saturday- date night

sunday- homemade pizza night (I am going to try to attempt this recipe for my pizza… Thoughts? Or I might just split a whole pita pocket in half… We will see how daring I feel…)

PS I know there have been several issues with commenting… Sorry! I am working on it.

PPS Actually Mike is working on it. I am going to be setting up the blog on a different site. OH and by “I am setting up…” I mean he is.

Soup and Jeans

July 30, 2012

I am not committing to menu planning every week, but I have got to pull it together a little bit. My grocery bill has been too high and my fridge has been too empty… I hate it when that happens. I am blaming the kids. I was grocery shopping alone until school was out and now that they are with me, they talk me into all sorts of fun stuff at the store.

So now that it is 111 degrees in Oklahoma, I am have a huge craving for soup. Why? I have no idea. The other day for lunch at Whole Foods, I ate a big bowl of chili. I also just want to wear jeans, I haven’t indulged that craving because I already have sweating issues without over dressing. Maybe my body is so hot that it is kicking in an ancient survival mechanism to trick it into thinking it is cold. You know… the Rules of the Soup Jean Law Theory…. google it.


Monday– Dinner at my mom’s… Evyn is in town!

Tuesday– Spaghetti and Meatballs* and salad

WednesdayChicken Crock Pot Chili

Thursday–  Honey Kabobs, rice, broccoli

Friday– out of town

Saturday– out of town

Sunday– Pizza/Movie Night

*Okay, so I made up a super easy way to make meatballs and spaghetti sauce (I seriously doubt I actually made this up, but I hadn’t heard of anyone doing it before so I am giving myself full credit)… I love meatballs, but hate making and baking them. So here is what I decided to do and it was delightful…

1. Make meatballs, I don’t really have a recipe, I just get meat, put an egg, some bread crumbs or crushed crackers, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning  in a bowl and mush it together

PS Don’t forget to take off your wedding ring… I have made that mistake before and it is gross

PPS I mush by hand

2. In a crock pot pour 2-3 jars of spaghetti sauce (or if you are fancy your homemade sauce), and about 8 ounces or so of chopped up summer sausage

3. As you roll the meat in balls, drop them in the sauce

4. Make sure the meatballs are covered, put lid on crock pot and cook on low for 6 hrs or so or high for maybe 4 hrs (I always just start my crock pot stuff in the morning and leave it on until dinner so I am bad with “times”)

Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Cute Bracelet

September 19, 2011

You know when you have a really great week and get spoiled and then when you know it is going to end you get sad before it actually even ends… That is how I feel. Bethany has been in town for the longest she has even been in town since she moved. It has been a blast. Our official girl day was awesome but what I am going to miss the most is the day to day getting to call her at 10:30 and meeting her and Campbell at the mall at 11. Getting to see her so much makes me realize how much I miss her and how lucky I am to have her.

PS (this would be the perfect place to insert a cute picture of our kids running amok or an adorable picture of the three girls on girl day spending money  finding killer deals…. BUT I DON’T HAVE ANY!!!! What is wrong with me. You will just have to use your imagination and picture Nate with crazy hair screaming at baby Campbell in her jeggings, “COME on Campbell! Just race me! Just race me now! UGH! CAMPBELL!” in the Dillard’s dressing room area while Bethany and I pretended we were kidless. Or picture Carissa, at River City picking out the ugliest bracelet ever proclaiming, “I LOVE turquoise. Do you love this bracelet?!”. While Bethany silently made big eyes at each other. Just picture it.)

To cheer myself up, I am going to plan a super cool menu for this week! I am SO excited.

PSS I am kidding. I am not excited and my menu is not super cool. But it is a menu that involves food so I get points for that.


Monday: Chicken Caesar Sandwiches with Salad 

Tuesday: Black Bean and Corn Quesadillas Grilled Veggies

Wednesday: Calazones (we had Mexican instead of pizza on Sunday) and Broccoli

Thursday: Breakfast for Dinner and Fruit Salad

Friday: OUT

Saturday: Grilling out BBQ Chicken and Veggies

Sunday: Pizza Movie Night

Winter and Dentist

September 12, 2011

Where was I last week? On family vacacation!  Pictures and post coming soon. Try to contain yourself, I know you are the edge of your seat….

While we were on vacation we went on a wilderness tram tour and the guide kept pointing out ground hogs, then he said something that made my heart stop. He said, “The ground hogs are getting fat this year, that means we are in for a rough winter…” I have been secretly worried ever since. Do you think if Branson, MO has a rough winter that means that Tulsa will? I mean we are 4 hours away! Please oh please say that since we had a super hot summer we will also have a super “hot” winter?! It is really stressing me out. As I have gotten older, winter and the dentist scare me more and more.

CHECK OUT THE GIANT GROUND HOG!! (just kidding, that is Elvis the water buffalo, my ground hog pic was blurry)

Moving on to happy thoughts… The Homemade Chick-Fil-a… AAAAMAZING! I added 2 tsp of garlic powder the second time I made it (yes, I made this two weeks in a row, and no, I am not ashamed) and it definitely added an extra yum factor.

If anyone has some new recipes to share, please do! I am feeling bored with my old stand bys….

Let’s Eat

Monday- Pretzel Coated Tilapia (I am going to try to pan fry in a little oil instead of deep fry), Zucchini and Sweet Potato

Tuesday- Crock Pot Chicken Teriyaki, Rice, Broccoli

Wednesday- Meatloaf, salad and bread

Thursday- Breakfast Tacos (egg, bacon, avocado, onion, tomatos), hash browns, and Edamame

Friday- Date Night!

Saturday- Leftovers or Out

Sunday- Homemade Calazones/ Movie Night

Rest Time

August 29, 2011

As I am typing this, we are watching the Justin Bieber movie. So cute. So So Cute. The best part is watching the parents in the audience dancing. Actually, the really best part was the one little girl that was basically panting, “Justin and I will be husband and wife. We will.”

Okay…. So the Mongolian Beef recipe from last week was DELISH. Everyone in the family gave it a thumbs up AND it was super easy. I proved once again with the fish tacos that I have no clue how to fry food. No clue. I think I put the fish in before the oil was ready and it turned out greasy and soggy, BUT if you do know how to fry stuff, the batter tasted good before I greased it out so I think it would be a winner!

The Chick Fil A knock off recipe is going to be carried over to this week…. Why you ask? OH, we had Nate’s back to school spaghetti dinner. NATE IS STARTING PRESCHOOL! He is really excited except for rest time, “Do you think the teacher will let me play on her phone during rest time?” “Ummm, no, I am pretty sure you just have to lay there Nate.” “Mom, I don’t like that idea.” Oh, Nate…. Please do okay, I really need to clean the house.

Let’s Eat

Monday-Homemade Chick Fil A (carried over from last week)

Tuesday- Slow Cooker Char Siu Pork Roast with Rice and Veggies

Wednesday- Breakfast Burritos and Fruit Salad

Thursday- Leftovers

Friday, Saturday, Sunday- HAPPY HOLIDAY WEEKEND!

Hotdog Sandwich

August 22, 2011

Don’t judge me, but last week for lunch I actually ate a hot dog chopped up on a toasted bread sandwich with ketchup and mustard. I know. It was sad. As I was stuffing my face, I paused and thought…. “Wow. I am actually just made a hot dog sandwich. I chopped up a hot dog and put in on a sandwich. I have got to start meal planning again.”

I am not one to wish my kids away or count down the days until school starts to get them out of my house, BUT I will say, I am excited to get back into a routine. We have had a lazy fun filled summer with late nights and last minute meet ups with friends. All fun and no routine has made for a messy house and very random dinners and a really empty fridge. It has been great, but I am kind of ready to eat something other than burgers, nachos, and ham sandwiches (In my defense, I have perfected nachos). Thus enters… Menu Planning! I don’t know if I should set myself up for failure, but I am looking forward to cooking?! I know! Who am I?! (this feeling may or may wear off before Labor Day.)

Scott is back in school. Nate and I will be back to our Monday grocery shopping routine…. It is bitter sweet.

Let’s Eat

Monday-  Fish Tacos

Tuesday- Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup w/ a side of Nachos and watermelon

Wednesday- Mongolian Beef with Rice

Thursday- Homemade Chick Fil a ?! Yes please! (I really hope this works) with Broccoli and Tater-tots

Friday- Indian Taco Night in Bartlesville (What?! You have never had an Indian Taco?! Get one. Soon. It is like a funnel cake with spice.)

Saturday- OUT

Sunday- Homemade Calazones/ Movie Night!

This one time when I was pregnant with Scott, I was consumed with the desire for green bean casserole. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was dreaming about it. So finally, I gave in. I went to the store, bought the ingredients, went home, made an entire green bean casserole, and ate it. The entire thing. The entire thing right then. And then I thought I might die. That was the last time I ate green bean casserole.

This week, I had a similar experience with chicken and dumplings and brussel sprouts. The chicken and dumpling recipe that I tried last week was AMAZING. I paired it with roasted brussel sprouts, DELISH. BUT the next day I came down with a mild version of what Nate had (which by the way, was not over when I blogged on Monday, it lasted a full five days. Five days.). I will probably never eat chicken and dumplings or brussel sprouts again. However, I encourage you too.


Monday: Grill Out Steaks and Potatoes and Veggies

Tuesday: Honey Chicken Kabobs , Rice, and Salad

Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner

Thursday: Leftover Night

Friday: Nachos and Raw Veggies

Saturday: OUT

Sunday: Pizza Movie Night

PS When I grow up I want to be Annette Bening.

Sickie Poo

February 20, 2011

So this was our weekend….

Sickie Poo Nate

Actually there was a lot of puke and other yucky stuff involved but I didn’t commemorate that part. Sick kids are so sad. This was Nate’s first time have pukers and this is the longest we have ever had a sick kid! It started Tuesday with a cold and fever, Saturday began a 24 hr stomach bug and today is Sunday… stomach bug free but still feverish. I’ll take it! Anything is better then being puked on.

Ummmmm…. don’t you feel like talking about food now?! Take a second to think happy thoughts…


I didn’t really try anything new last week so no reviews, HOWEVER, on a food related side note, we went for sushi on Friday night and actually took the kids with us (we haven’t attempted this in about a year, because last time we went both kids destroyed the rolls eating only the rice) and Scott chowed! I think he ate an entire california roll by himself and half of a spicy tuna roll. Nate didn’t eat anything (in hindsight we now know why) but this opens up a whole new world for us! Yay for kids that like sushi!

I am lacking serious cooking motivation this week. My brain is mush since we have basically had Martha Speaks on loop for the last 48 hrs as Nate dozed on and off on the couch. At least that is my excuse for a really boring menu this week.

Monday: Leftover Spaghetti

Tuesday: Crockpot Chicken and Dumplings and Salad

Wednesday: Grilling out Steak, Chicken or Pork Chops whatever is on sale at WF, Grilled Veggie Kabobs

Thursday: Dinner at Mom’s

Friday: Leftovers- Cereal- Bread with butter-I really don’t care Night

Saturday: Date Night

Sunday: Pizza Movie Night

Little White Lies

February 14, 2011

10 years ago today I ditched the guy I was actually dating to hang out with Mike. I remember saying to Mike, “I just am not ready for the commitment of going out with him for Valentine’s Day… I mean that means you are like REALLY dating.” To which my good friend Mike replied, “Just come hang out with me, I’ll make you spaghetti.” I called the guy at 3 o’clock in the afternoon to tell him I wasn’t feeling well. He showed up at my apartment with a huge bouquet of flowers that he had already bought. I am not a liar, I am not even a little white liar. I am tell the truth whether or not it hurts kinda girl.  But I totally wrapped up in a blanket and tried to look sickly when I answered the door. The day after Valentine’s Day I told him the truth and broke up with him. Six weeks later Mike and I were engaged and five months later we were married.  The best little white lie ever.

Let’s Eat

Okay, before we move on to this week’s food, can we just chat a bit about how gross my food from last week was…. The Chinese Cheese Burgers=Gross. What the what was I thinking? They got great reviews on allrecipes.com, I followed said recipe and they were bad news ballet. The Chipotle Orange Taco’s from the pioneer woman’s site= also Gross and also got great reviews. They were tolerable, but I repeat do NOT make the Chinese Cheese Burgers.

On a good note, the Egg Drop Soup was so good and so easy and felt super fancy to make. I also ended up making Sloppy Joe’s from a Whole Foods seasoning mix on leftover night, since we obviously weren’t eating anything I had already made and they were great!

Monday: Valentine Dinner with the kids… Spaghetti (Mike’s favorite) Crab Legs (Scott’s favorite) Bread (Nate’s Favorite) Dessert (My favorite)

Tuesday: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Tomato Soup

Wednesday: Blackened Mahi Mahi, Rice, Veggies (didn’t end up making the other week)

Thursday: Grilling out Kabobs it is going to be 74 degrees!

Friday: Out

Saturday: Date Night

Sunday: Pizza Movie Night

PS This is a pic of our Sunday night Valentine Calazone Movie Night… Impressive, No?  

Valentine Calazone


3 Soup Week

January 31, 2011

I kind of love Oklahoma weather. I, obviously, do not like winter, but if I had to plan out my perfect weather world it would be completely random. It would be 100 degrees on Monday, breezy and cool on Tuesday, 80’s on Wednesday, a quick snow storm on Thursday (just enough to appreciate the Monday’s and get in a quick snowman build) etc. I love that we had weather in the mid 70’s two days in a row and on Tuesday it is supposed to be a snow storm. However, I would go back to warm on Wednesday….I am not excited about the 17 degree high (pre wind chill) reality on Wednesday.

Can I just say that I think I have started a love affair with meat loaf? So good and so easy. I will say I prefer it in sandwich form and that is how I ate even on the first night. Mike and the kids loved it.

Can I also just say we have a kindergarten to go to next year?! I am so excited and feel such a sense of relief to know that everything is taken care of. I mean, as you know I have been obsessing for over a year. I really feel like we made the best decision for Scott and for our family. I think one of biggest adjustments will be Scott wearing collared shirts or has he calls them “handsome clothes” and oh man, that kid does not like handsome clothes. Go Patriots!

Feed Me

Monday: Chicken and Noodles (soupish)

Tuesday: Denise’s Delicious Soup (I am going to change it up and put it in the crock pot with stew meat instead of ground beef)

Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner Eggs, Hash browns, Bacon, Fruit

Thursday: Egg Drop Soup (feelin’ fancy!) Chicken Fried Rice (adding green peas and shredded carrots)

Friday: Left overs

Saturday: Date Night

Sunday: Pizza Movie Night

If you are in Oklahoma, bundle up, hunker down and snuggle up to the fam.  If you aren’t in Oklahoma this week, just be happy for yourself.