A New Year

January 2, 2011

One of my favorite times of year is here. The New Year! AS IN… New Years Resolutions. I looooove New Year’s Resolutions. Is there anything better than a fresh start? Is there a better time for a fresh start than a new year? I think not.

Firstly, I will recap my successes and unsucesses of my last years resolutions…. (here is the original post if you need all the saucy details)

Personal Goals 2010

1. Get back in to yoga- DONE. I have tried to go at least once a week. Of course there have been weeks of sick kids and other excuses, BUT I would say on a bad month I have gone at least every other week. And my body thanks me.

2. Cleaning Schedule– DONE

3. School for Scott- Not all the way done, but getting close. We have two interviews at our top private schools scheduled and we will go from there. We haven’t completely ruled out our neighborhood school, so we are getting there.

4. Take a meal to a family once a month- I did this with out fail until June…. and then I am sad to say, it was spotty. I think I did it a couple of times between June and Christmas but definitely not every month. FAIL.

Family Goals 2010 Review

Don’t laugh. We did succeed at one of two.

1. Get rid of Tots (the name, not the child)

2. Get involved in a church and small group- Fail. Big time.

So… Personal Goals, pretty good, family goals, not so good. I blame Mike. Why? Because I don’t want to take the blame.

2011 Goals

I think goals should be specific and measurable. How else do you know how you are doing?  But this year, I am breaking my own rule….

1. Be less bossy (I know it’s pathetic)- Have you ever heard, “If you can smell yourself then you smell 10 times worse to everyone else?” Maybe only I have been told that, I do have a sweating problem. Well, I am applying this theory to personality traits, as in… “If you feel like you are being bossy, then it is 10 times worse for everyone else.” I feel bossy a lot. Rephrase, I AM bossy a lot. It really does come from a good helpful place, but I am sure it is annoying. I have always been bossy, I know this, I own it, it is just the truth, but I think having kids has made me reaaaally bossy. Excuses, excuses…. This is one of those non measurable goals, but I am going to try…..

2. Blog at least once a week and add pics at least once a month- About a week ago, I visited my blog for the first time in months and was looking back over year that I blogged, I was laughing and crying and remembering (okay, that sounds super cheesy, but it actually is true). And wishing I was still blogging during the kitchen renovation, the first days of school, Nate’s broken leg and all the other stuff that has gone on. Also… I am a horrible baby booker.

AND getting a head start on my resolutions… My favorite pics from Christmas break.


Nate (in his new uniform) and Scott at our Christmas Day movie.

Christmas Morning Chaos. (look closely, Nate has a blue balloon and Scott has the green one.)

I love this for 2 reasons. 1: It was 70 degrees that day. 2: He is so good lookin'.

Bring on 2011!

(P.S. I am nosy, so if you feel like sharing, I would love to hear your resolutions!)

(P.P.S. Did you know Vanilla Ice has a new show on HGTV? I HAVE to remember to DVR it.)

I loved 2009. 2008 was the hardest year since Mike and I have been married so we were determined to make 2009 a year of fun, happiness, and priority focusing. And it was.  Our year in review…

Mike started his own business. A dream that he has had for a long time (AND it is doing great!)

Scott dominated his first session at gymnastics.

We moved back to Tulsa. My kids now think my parents house is their second home. We have made some wonderful new friends and have gotten to reconnect with old ones.

We spent the summer at the pool. Scott took swim lessons and was a pro at the diving board by the end of the summer.

We met my mom at Whole Foods every Monday of summer for lunch and grocery shopping.

We got to go to California twice for vacation and see Evyn and Ryan.

Mike actually learned how to have a vacation and relax!

I finished nursing my last baby. (thank goodness!)

Scott started preschool, switched preschools and it is still a constant battle.

Nate started walking and talking grunting and making himself even more dear to our hearts.

We had a double birthday pool party.

Mike and I celebrated being married 8 years.

Mike turned 30!

We made new traditions and clung to old ones.

We celebrated Christmas and Thanksgiving with ones we love and unfortunately, away from others we love.

We kissed Uncle Richard goodbye as he moved to Spain.

I ran 3 races.

And more and more. I am happy to say I did very well on my New June Resolutions from last year! I don’t think I had a family over every single month but most months. Nate now LOVES reading, we pushed through hard stage and came out ahead! Now, on to 2010.

Like I have said before… I love making New Years Resolutions. So here they are….

1. Decide on schooling for Scott. I want to have a decision made by the end of this school year.

2. Continue my cleaning schedule. I really love how organized and on top of things I feel.

3. Take a meal to a family or neighbor once a month. I have come to the realization that at this time in my life, volunteering away from my home and kids isn’t very realistic. So I am trying to think of ways I can give from where I am.

4. Start doing yoga again. I miss it! Nate is just going to have to buck up and deal for an hour (he has issues with child care). I am going to start going to a class on Monday mornings after we drop Scott off at school. I have Nate on the list for this Monday….

Mike and I also made a couple of family goals:

1. Start attending a church regularly and get involved in a small group. We kind of took the year off from organized religion (for many reasons… that is a whole blog in its own). We actually loved the break, but we are ready to jump in again. Honestly, it is mostly for our kids and for the small group support system aspect.

2. We are saying goodbye to the nickname Tots/Totsie. Nate is becoming Nate or Keener. (His full name is Nathan Keener)… We decided if we don’t do it now, he is going to end up being a fourth grader named Tots and that is not cool.

That is it! I am excited about 2010 and the new adventures it will bring. I am excited about turning 30, I shocked that Scott will turn 5, and I am ready to make this year even better than last.

Happy New Year!

New June Resolutions

May 28, 2009

I love making New Year’s Resolutions. I love the fresh start and hopeful spirit it evokes. I set realistic goals and try try try to follow through. I have found, I can’t make more than two or three, if I have to many it is overwhelming and I end up dropping some of them after a month or two. Usually, it is really a habit forming experience (in a good way).

My top 3 favorite resolutions I have ever made are:

1. Remember all close friends and families birthdays and contact them ON TIME. (I am proud to say, I made this one several years ago and am still doing it!)

2. Have my house “drop-in” ready. (this not mean scrubbed clean, but just that if someone came over last minute, I would be okay with it. This was the year Scott was about 5 months old and I was tired of living in newborn chaos.)

3. Not to say anything negative about my body for a year. (This was one was amazing, everytime something negative was on the tip of my tongue, I had to stop myself and change it in my head. It is very true that what you speak has an impact on what you feel.)

This year, I can’t even remember what mine were, sad, but true. I know one of them was to invite a family over for dinner once a month, at which I have already failed miserably. I am totally going to blame the move and having a newborn and, let’s see, nursing, and oh, I don’t know, maybe sleep depravation, but I refuse to say I personally have been the reason, I am sure it is someone or something elses fault.  I am sure of it. Anyways, since I don’t know who or what derailed me and erased my brain, I have decided to make some new resolutions.

I am going to repeat one of my alltimes and add a little twist.

1. Not to say anything negative about my body. The first time I made this one, it was after I had Scott. I think I need to retrain myself again since having Nate. The twist is, to try and replace each negative thought with a positive. Don’t worry, I am not going to get all hippy dippy and say “Love your stretch marks, they are hugs from your baby.” Gag. Nobody loves their stretch marks, and if they say they do, they are lying. I just mean, my body is not perfect and it is never ever going to be. No ones is. The choices are either change it or accept it. I have to the power to exude strength and confidence while hanging out in the baby pool or I have the power to let paranoia make me completely self conscience.

2. I am renewing my vow of inviting a family over once a month. Life has calmed down enough, really there is no excuse not to.

3. Read Nate 3 books a day. (I realize the fact that this has to be a goal is pathetic. I realize it and I accept it. Moving on….)

And that is it. I think I can handle it. Another “goal” that I really wanted to write, is volunteering. By the time 2010 is wrung in I want our family to have found a place to volunteer together once a month, but that is one Mike and I have to work on together. Ahhh. I feel cleansed and renewed already and it isn’t even June yet.