Rest Time

August 29, 2011

As I am typing this, we are watching the Justin Bieber movie. So cute. So So Cute. The best part is watching the parents in the audience dancing. Actually, the really best part was the one little girl that was basically panting, “Justin and I will be husband and wife. We will.”

Okay…. So the Mongolian Beef recipe from last week was DELISH. Everyone in the family gave it a thumbs up AND it was super easy. I proved once again with the fish tacos that I have no clue how to fry food. No clue. I think I put the fish in before the oil was ready and it turned out greasy and soggy, BUT if you do know how to fry stuff, the batter tasted good before I greased it out so I think it would be a winner!

The Chick Fil A knock off recipe is going to be carried over to this week…. Why you ask? OH, we had Nate’s back to school spaghetti dinner. NATE IS STARTING PRESCHOOL! He is really excited except for rest time, “Do you think the teacher will let me play on her phone during rest time?” “Ummm, no, I am pretty sure you just have to lay there Nate.” “Mom, I don’t like that idea.” Oh, Nate…. Please do okay, I really need to clean the house.

Let’s Eat

Monday-Homemade Chick Fil A (carried over from last week)

Tuesday- Slow Cooker Char Siu Pork Roast with Rice and Veggies

Wednesday- Breakfast Burritos and Fruit Salad

Thursday- Leftovers

Friday, Saturday, Sunday- HAPPY HOLIDAY WEEKEND!

Hotdog Sandwich

August 22, 2011

Don’t judge me, but last week for lunch I actually ate a hot dog chopped up on a toasted bread sandwich with ketchup and mustard. I know. It was sad. As I was stuffing my face, I paused and thought…. “Wow. I am actually just made a hot dog sandwich. I chopped up a hot dog and put in on a sandwich. I have got to start meal planning again.”

I am not one to wish my kids away or count down the days until school starts to get them out of my house, BUT I will say, I am excited to get back into a routine. We have had a lazy fun filled summer with late nights and last minute meet ups with friends. All fun and no routine has made for a messy house and very random dinners and a really empty fridge. It has been great, but I am kind of ready to eat something other than burgers, nachos, and ham sandwiches (In my defense, I have perfected nachos). Thus enters… Menu Planning! I don’t know if I should set myself up for failure, but I am looking forward to cooking?! I know! Who am I?! (this feeling may or may wear off before Labor Day.)

Scott is back in school. Nate and I will be back to our Monday grocery shopping routine…. It is bitter sweet.

Let’s Eat

Monday-  Fish Tacos

Tuesday- Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup w/ a side of Nachos and watermelon

Wednesday- Mongolian Beef with Rice

Thursday- Homemade Chick Fil a ?! Yes please! (I really hope this works) with Broccoli and Tater-tots

Friday- Indian Taco Night in Bartlesville (What?! You have never had an Indian Taco?! Get one. Soon. It is like a funnel cake with spice.)

Saturday- OUT

Sunday- Homemade Calazones/ Movie Night!

Be Still My Heart

August 19, 2011

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 NLT)


8.15.2011 Lost First Tooth


8.19.2011 First Day Of Kindergarten

I love you.

Two Hands

August 10, 2011

Oh man, yesterday anniversary, today Scott’s bday, this is officially mushy blog week.

Scott Michael Lyon,

You are 6! I can’t even believe it.

You are an enigma. You can’t stand the melty cheese on a quesadilla but you love sushi, crab legs, and Chinese food. You love every flavor of ice cream except for vanilla. You would rather have no ice cream than eat plain vanilla. You love every kind of weapon. And you are wavering between being an ambulance driver or an assassin (I am praying when your teacher asks you what you want to be that you just go with ambulance driver).

You are loyal, you are courageous and you are a rule follower. The love and kindness that you show your brother takes my breath away sometimes.

You are funny. A quiet witty funny that cracks us up. You love books and are starting to read. I can’t wait until you can read completely on your own, I think you will be heaven! You are focused and determined and have an amazing memory.

You are an amazing negotiator. Your dad has been training you since you were born. One of your favorite phrases is, “Well, how about _____, is that a deal?”

We love you so much. We love you higher than the heavens and deeper than the seas. You completely changed our lives when you were born, and I would never go back.

PS I changed my mind… Actually, I can believe you are six, I can’t believe you are starting kindergarten in nine days. Part of me wants to scream, “It’s too soon! He’s not ready!” But I know you are. You are ready to take on the world. With your family screaming from the sidelines of course.

PPS My dear precious eldest son, in your upcoming year of life, will you please let me take more pictures of you? Please.

A Perfect 10

August 9, 2011

Okay, so it hasn’t been perfect but there is no one else I would have rather spent it with.
I love that you set your out of office response as this:

I love that you make me laugh every day. I know our family is your first priority. And I appreciate all the ways that you show me. I am thankful that you ask for and respect my opinion. I feel lucky that date night is just as much fun now as it was 10 years ago.

You have the most generous and caring heart I have ever known.You are slow to judge and quick to forgive. And I love doing all the boring stuff with you. All that stuff that makes up life. You make it worth it.

I love you. Thank you for marrying me 10 years ago.

Happy Anniversary.