A New Year

January 2, 2011

One of my favorite times of year is here. The New Year! AS IN… New Years Resolutions. I looooove New Year’s Resolutions. Is there anything better than a fresh start? Is there a better time for a fresh start than a new year? I think not.

Firstly, I will recap my successes and unsucesses of my last years resolutions…. (here is the original post if you need all the saucy details)

Personal Goals 2010

1. Get back in to yoga- DONE. I have tried to go at least once a week. Of course there have been weeks of sick kids and other excuses, BUT I would say on a bad month I have gone at least every other week. And my body thanks me.

2. Cleaning Schedule– DONE

3. School for Scott- Not all the way done, but getting close. We have two interviews at our top private schools scheduled and we will go from there. We haven’t completely ruled out our neighborhood school, so we are getting there.

4. Take a meal to a family once a month- I did this with out fail until June…. and then I am sad to say, it was spotty. I think I did it a couple of times between June and Christmas but definitely not every month. FAIL.

Family Goals 2010 Review

Don’t laugh. We did succeed at one of two.

1. Get rid of Tots (the name, not the child)

2. Get involved in a church and small group- Fail. Big time.

So… Personal Goals, pretty good, family goals, not so good. I blame Mike. Why? Because I don’t want to take the blame.

2011 Goals

I think goals should be specific and measurable. How else do you know how you are doing?  But this year, I am breaking my own rule….

1. Be less bossy (I know it’s pathetic)- Have you ever heard, “If you can smell yourself then you smell 10 times worse to everyone else?” Maybe only I have been told that, I do have a sweating problem. Well, I am applying this theory to personality traits, as in… “If you feel like you are being bossy, then it is 10 times worse for everyone else.” I feel bossy a lot. Rephrase, I AM bossy a lot. It really does come from a good helpful place, but I am sure it is annoying. I have always been bossy, I know this, I own it, it is just the truth, but I think having kids has made me reaaaally bossy. Excuses, excuses…. This is one of those non measurable goals, but I am going to try…..

2. Blog at least once a week and add pics at least once a month- About a week ago, I visited my blog for the first time in months and was looking back over year that I blogged, I was laughing and crying and remembering (okay, that sounds super cheesy, but it actually is true). And wishing I was still blogging during the kitchen renovation, the first days of school, Nate’s broken leg and all the other stuff that has gone on. Also… I am a horrible baby booker.

AND getting a head start on my resolutions… My favorite pics from Christmas break.


Nate (in his new uniform) and Scott at our Christmas Day movie.

Christmas Morning Chaos. (look closely, Nate has a blue balloon and Scott has the green one.)

I love this for 2 reasons. 1: It was 70 degrees that day. 2: He is so good lookin'.

Bring on 2011!

(P.S. I am nosy, so if you feel like sharing, I would love to hear your resolutions!)

(P.P.S. Did you know Vanilla Ice has a new show on HGTV? I HAVE to remember to DVR it.)

8 Responses to “A New Year”

  1. carissa Says:

    YAY for New Years Resolutions and Cori blogging again. I have to say, I read Bethany’s friend Jami Nato’s blog the other day about “mother’s being the memory keepers” for their family and it totally inspired me to keep blogging and writing down all those memories. You should go read it. It was pretty inspiring. The sad truth is, we aren’t getting younger and one day we are going to be 80 years old and will hardly remember our kids age, much less what they were like when they were two years old!!! I have one New Years Resolution:

    BE MORE DISCIPLINED in all areas of my life. What does that mean.

    1. Menu Planning once a week which leads me to #2:
    2. Eating healthier due to menu planning.
    3. Going to bed at a decent time. I was horrible this last year about staying up way, way late.
    4. Have uninterrupted playtime with the kiddos each day. Even if it’s just 10 minutes…seriously!
    5. Be disciplined about attending church again.
    6. Be disciplined about working out. I always work out but am sporadic because since photography started I don’t have a set schedule. I work best with discipline – a set schedule. So I am going to make a weekly workout schedule.

    I am sure there are more but this is the world’s longest post. So I will quit.

  2. bethany Says:

    WHAT?! WHAT?! Do my blogging eyes deceive me?? Did you update your blog?!
    Just kidding… I’ve definitely missed your blogs…just so you know.
    Love your goals & your blog. I’m with you – I love this time of year! A fresh start is always a good thing!

  3. Courtney Says:

    YAY! Bossy Cori is baaaaack! Wait a second, who is going to boss the book club girls now? My resolutions have been posted. Most of mine are cheesy housewife things, but I can’t help it. I desperately want to be one of those cheesy housewives!

  4. […] 3, 2011 If you have read my last post, you know that I am posting twice in one week right now so I would like to give myself a pat on the […]

  5. Cori Says:

    Bethany and Carissa- I have blog stalked you and read your resolutions… You guys crack me up!
    Courtney- I am off to blog stalk you now…. I totally think you can pull off the housewife look 😉

  6. carissa Says:

    And P.S. – that is a handsome picture of Mike. You know my feelings on his facial hair. I say screw the video conferences and KEEP THE FACIAL HAIR!

  7. […] March 9, 2011 The only reason I am posting today is because of my New Year’s Resolutions. […]

  8. […] I failed for the first time last week on my New Year’s Resolution (actually I might have already been failing because I totally forgot about my “be less […]

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