August 2, 2010

I hope everyone appreciates the enormous amount of strength and self control it took me to pull myself away from Words With Friends to write this. That game is awesome and I like to say it is very educational and that is why I stayed up until 12:30am last night playing… I WAS LEARNING!  AND why and how did I only discover this gem yesterday? I must make up for lost time.

Moving on, so, I did it… I signed up for e mealz (thanks for the suggestion Martha and Maren!) I don’t know if this illegal to say this or not, I found it on the interwebs not through some secret email BUT if you want to sign up, use the coupon code DAVE and save $2.50 off of your $15 for 3 months. I signed up for the regular meal plan. Martha suggested the low carb meal plan because it seems to use healthier ingredients and I may be switching to that. I thought the regular plan might be better for leftovers (less cooking… yes please!) but after getting my week plan, I am not so sure about the recipes…. Part of it might just be a personal problem, one of the recipes was for ” Alfredo Toss” and called for chicken, jar of alfredo sauce,and  penne pasta…. ummm…. is that even considered a recipe?  But I am using it, so maybe it is worth it! Obviously, I think it would be illegal to give out the recipes you are supposed to pay for so I will just put emeal beside the dinner from them (just in case you couldn’t figure that out on your own) (duh).

Monday: Grill Steaks (got steaks last week on super sale and stuck them in freezer) with Corn on Cob and salad

Tuesday: Chicken Dijon, Rice, and Asparagus (emeal)

Wednesday: Alfredo Toss (emeal, but I already gave away the major top secret ingredients) and Salad

Thursday: Grilled Pizza and Raw Veggies or Salad

Friday: Out

Saturday: Dinner at Friends

Sunday: Leftovers

PS If you live in the Tulsa area, the Little Caesars at 51st and Sheridan has hot and ready pepperoni pizzas for $5! A large pizza for $5! No, it’s not healthy. No, it’s not the best pizza ever. But yes, it is $5. That is all and you’re welcome.

PPS/Edit: **** I just was reading my friend Maren’s blog that I mentioned earlier and realized that she recently did a post on the $5 pizza deal, Sooo…..

1. I promise I didn’t copy!

2. Her blog about it much better so check it out here.

3. She doesn’t live in Tulsa so it must be at every Little Caesars!

10 Responses to “WWF”

  1. Emily Says:

    Hey, here in OKC, the Hot and Ready pizza is 3.99 on mondays!!

    Also, I’ve never heard of that game. What is it??

  2. maren Says:

    1. I wouldn’t have cared if you copied, though I know you didn’t. I stole the idea from my mom…She actually goes a step further and grills it, as you mentioned. Though, I only have a smoker and don’t think ‘smoked pizza’ sounds all that tasty! 2. My blog is most definitely NOT better. 3. I think it is at most Little Ceasars–I know it is at all our Louisville stores. 4. Keep us posted on emealz! I’m dying to hear how it works for you! Happy Monday!

  3. Cori Says:

    Emily- $3.99!!! That is craziness! I hope you get one every Monday! Words with Friends is an iphone game like scrabble, you can invite people on facebook. You can have lots of games going with lots of different people and you take turns making moves so you may take a turn and then the other person might not play back for a couple of hours. It’s fun!
    Maren- Grills it?! Fancy! I will keep you posted on emealz…

  4. bethany Says:

    WWF is a nursing mom’s best friend. I realize a) how few words I know or b) how sleep deprived my poor brain is.

  5. Liz Says:

    I signed up too and so did my friend. We’re going to sign up for different plans and give each other our passwords so that we can both view them and have a few more options. I noticed that about 5 out of the 7 meals they provide look good to me. Which is great b/c that all I usually cook a week anyway.

  6. Faith Says:

    Little Caesar’s here has $5 every day or $3.99 on Tuesdays.
    I have several friends who use emeals, but I could never get past all the jarred sauces & condensed soups in the recipes.

  7. carissa Says:

    1. I am scareed of WWF. People keep telling me about it and I am afraid I will get addicted. Now that I know you AND B do it, I really want to see what the fuss is about it but like I said, I am afraid I will get addicted.

    2. I am glad you are blogging again.

    3. I am not sure about emeals too and want to hear what you think. Maybe I am a control freak but I don’t think I like someone else determining what I eat every week?? Maybe I am weird. I want to know what you think…

    4. I am going to start menu planning too! You guys have inspired me. Sunday night is my shopping day. I started yesterday. P.S. – Michael informed me that I don’t cook anymore. P.S.S. – After getting defensive and biting his head off, informing him that I have lived in an apartment for 3 months and life has been crazy, I realized he was right. I need to start cooking again.

    5. My family doesn’t eat pizza. Ever. You guys are so unhealthy. GEEZ.

  8. Cori Says:

    Bethany- I wish I would have had WWF while nursing!

    Liz- What option did you sign up for? AND let me know what you think…

    Faith- I need to check the Tulsa Little Caesars! I am with you on the jarred sauces, although this week, there was only one….

    Carissa- Play WWF! You will love it! Also, you should try pizza instead of donuts sometime. It actually is better for you.

  9. […] 9, 2011 So I just realized I never gave my official review of e-mealz (I was trying it out here). As Scott would say, “Awkward!” (that is his new randomly and inappropriately used […]

  10. […] I just realized I never gave my official review of e-mealz (I was trying it out here). As Scott would say, “Awkward!” (that is his new randomly and inappropriately used […]

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